Carbon Footprint Verification & Carbon Neutrality

RMS can support your journey to becoming a carbon neutral organisation.

Our carbon footprint verification and carbon neutrality services are designed to align with international standards and can be independently assessed to ensure you can demonstrate credibility when making declarations regarding your carbon footprint or carbon neutrality status.

We will work with you to identify, measure and calculate your scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions from your activities based in clearly defined boundaries.

Based on the determined footprint we can provide annual carbon footprint verification statements which are aligned with the requirements of ISO14064-1 or work further with you to develop comprehensive carbon management plans, select credible offsetting organisations and provide declarations of intent to achieve or achievement of carbon neutrality aligned to the requirements of ISO14068-1 (formerly PAS2060).

We can support you to undertake self declaration, second party or third party assessment of your carbon status to further demonstrate credibility to your stakeholders and drive real improvement in your environmental performance.